Welcome to SusChem Finland Startup Forum 17.11.2020

SusChem Finland organizes a national partnering event that brings together industry companies, CHEMISTRY & BIOTECH startups and research organizations, delivering solutions to bio and circular economy.
Chemistry and biotech startups develop technologies and services that enable for example the reuse of side streams and the production of high value end products. These kinds of key competences are crucial, when industry seeks for new ways of producing and consuming food, energy, products and materials that respect the ecological boundaries of our planet.
Welcome to the event online! You will hear interesting presentations and networking will be facilitated online.
Please find the programme here
Contact information:
Smart Chemistry Park, Linda Fröberg-Niemi, +358 50 587 3441,
VTT, Holger Pöhler, +358 40 137 4003, Holger.Pohler@vtt.fi
The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland (Kemianteollisuus), Carmela Kantor-Aaltonen, +358 50 4045 166, carmela.kantor-aaltonen@kemianteollisuus.fi
SusChem Finland is an open network of people representing companies, associations and science parks, governmental bodies, funding organisations, academia and research centres. SusChem Finland was initiated in 2018 by three founding members: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and Smart Chemistry Park® /Turku Science Park Ltd.Chemical Industry Federation of Finland and Smart Chemistry Park® /Turku Science Park Ltd.