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“Plastics and the Precautionary Principle”, Vienna, 14 & 15 Nov 2013

This symposium will take place in Vienna and aim at the member states rather than the central Brussels authorities. Vienna symposium on “Plastics and the Precautionary Principle” will supply answers to the all-important question: WHAT MAKES THE OTHERS TICK – AND WHY ?

The program has been set up in tight co-operation between public administration and industry, i.e. Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) and PlasticsEurope in Austria.

Whereas many of the large conferences primarily aim at the decision makers in Brussels, the Vienna symposium addresses the national authorities. The symposium concentrates on three different areas for stakeholder discussions: 

  • global aspects of environmental and health related regulations versus potential implications on   European competitiveness
  • the ongoing discussion on endocrine disruption 
  • the future of regulations (SVHC roadmap)

The symposium is targeted for

  • (National) regulators in the fields of health and environment—in the ministries and in government agencies—who are engaged in pan-European legislation as a competent authority or in national implementation / enforcement.
  • (National and European) industry representatives who need to communicate / interact with the above group of public authorities
  • policy advisors (lobbyists, advocacy people) and industry associations

Registration is open


PlasticsEurope is one of the leading European trade associations with centres in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milthe an and Paris. We are networking with European and national plastics associations and have more than 100 member companies, producing over 90% of all polymers across the EU28 member states plus Norway,