EK Webinar: Finnish perspective to Ukraine invasion and sanctions against Russia on Monday 7 March at 3:30–4:30 p.m.

The Confederation of Finnish Industries EK organizes a webinar on the economic consequences of the Ukraine invasion and sanctions against Russia. The webinar is tailor made for foreign business leaders and professionals working in Finland.
Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK):
Together with the European business community, we strongly condemn the invasion and aggression by Russia. We also stand behind all joint measures considered necessary. We express the strongest support for the Ukrainian people and encourage our members to do the same.
The West has imposed a series of severe sanctions on Russia as a result of its use of force and hostilities in Ukraine. Finland is participating in the EU’s sanctions front. Representing the Finnish business community and employers, we work closely with key ministries and other authorities to analyze the various effects of the sanctions and inform Finnish businesses.
Opening Words
Jyri Häkämies, Director General, Confederation of Finnish Industries EK
The latest update on economic implications for Finland and Finnish business
Mr. Petri Vuorio, Director, Confederation of Finnish Industries EK